Distributors of Chandos Records
Australia | Mainly Opera | classical@mainlyopera.com |
Austria | Naxos Germany | info@naxos.de |
Benelux | Integral | Thijs.Siebert@integralmusic.com |
Canada | Naxos of Canada Ltd. | naxos@naxoscanada.com |
Chile | Todoclasico | info@todoclasico.cl |
China | Sunrise Music | sunrise@sunrisemusic.com.hk |
Denmark | Naxos Denmark | info@naxos.dk |
Estonia | Lend Music Ltd. | info@lendmusic.ee |
Finland | OY FG-Naxos AB | info@naxos.se |
France | Integral | Ronan.Halle@integralmusic.com |
Germany | Naxos Germany | info@naxos.de |
Greece | Musical Offering | musoff@gmail.com |
Hong Kong | Shun Cheong Record Co. | service@shuncheongrec.com |
Hungary | MG Records | gyukars@t-online.hu |
Iceland | Solgeislar | asi.jonsson@gmail.com |
Ireland | Naxos Music UK Ltd. | info@naxosmusic.co.uk |
Italy | Egea Music | info@egeamusic.com |
Japan | Naxos Japan | naxos@naxos.jp |
Korea (South) | Media Sunnara Co. Ltd. | srkim@synnara.com |
Lebanon | In & Out | offers@i-di.com |
Malaysia | In & Out | offers@i-di.com |
Norway | Naxos Norway | info@naxos.no |
New Zealand | Ode Records | info@oderecords.co.nz |
Peru | Palco SA | palcosa@terra.com.pe |
Poland | Music Island | info@music-island.com.pl |
Romania | Alma Artex S.R.L | ileana@alma.ro |
Russia | In & Out | offers@i-di.com |
Slovenia | Hartman d.o.o. | manja.stok@hartman.si |
Sweden | Naxos Sweden AB | info@naxos.se |
Switzerland | Musikvertrieb AB | alexander.schmid@musikvertrieb.ch |
Taiwan | Sunrise International Corp. | sunrise.corp.tw@gmail.com |
UK | Naxos Music UK Ltd. | info@naxosmusic.co.uk |
United Arab Emirates | In & Out | offers@i-di.com |
USA | Naxos of America | kbielfield@naxosusa.com |
Zimbabwe | Performing Arts | music@gatorzw.co.uk |