Gramophone Recommended
"Bryan "brings fantasy, delicacy and playfulness.
Andrew Achenbach - Gramophone magazine - January 2011
a must for flute fans and audiophiles alike.
Gavin Dixon - - 8 November 2010
Here is a disc that has been eagerly anticipated
Michael TUmelty - The Herald - November 2010
Bryan’s natural musicality breathes an alluring quality into every performance " *****
Kenneth Walton - The Scotsman - 25 October 2010
This lovely disc has many highlightsa fine release that deserves this warmest recommendation.
Nigel Simeone - International Record Review - October 2010
she displays her ravishing, floating tone to the full" ****
John Brogio - - 24 October 2010
astonishingly exciting" ****
Keith Bruce - The Herald - 27 September 2010
Her smooth, full-coloured sound is ideal " ****
Phil Sommerich - Classical Music magazine - October 2010
Bryan also gives a nimble account of Nielsen’s quixotic 1926 concerto, beautifully supported by Paul Daniel and the Scottish National players.
Stephen Pritchard - The Observer - 26 September 2010
Katherine Bryan invests in what she plays with heart and soul.
Geoff Brown - The Times - 25 September 2010
when you have the virtuoso playing of Ms. Bryan you have a really winning product" *****
John Sunier - - 10 September 2010
Katherine Bryan’s technique is at a very high level, her playing is strong and confident, with great control of breath, fingering and smooth phrasings. " ****
Jean Hasse - Bristol Evening Post - 9 September 2010
This is a very pleasant disc which gets better and better
Peter Grahame Woolf - Musical Pointers - September 2010