Both Anton Arensky and Sergey Taneyev belong to the generation of Russian composers who came to prominence at the end of the 19th century, midway between Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov. With its expansive themes and wonderfully elegiac mood, Arensky’s Piano Trio No. 1 is dedicated to the memory of cellist Karl Davydov. The subtle use of counterpoint in Taneyev’s Piano Trio in D major reveals his expertise in combining earlier techniques with the emphatically Romantic style that both composers inherited from Tchaikovsky. These two masterpieces summarize the development of the piano trio genre in Russian music of the 19thcentury, and subsequently laid the foundations for its further evolution.
“… This disc is another success for the Brahms Trio in its survey of the Russian piano-trio repertoire, and it deserves an enthusiastic recommendation.”
Daniel Morrison – Fanfare – January/February 2022
Editor’s Choice – Chamber
“… edifying and exhilarating. Vol. 4 has to be my favourite, with a wonderful combination of Anton Arensky’s D minor Trio (1894) and Sergey Taneyev’s D major Trio (1906)… These three Russian virtuosos present the two trios with equal conviction, summoning up different palettes of colours for some truly high-level music-making…”
Marina Frolova-Walker – Gramophone magazine – September 2021
“…they [The Brahms Trio] perform the two works recorded here in such an engaging manner that the musical significance of these composers becomes immediately clear. Their performance is supported by sound engineering that balances the instruments and allows the structural clarity to be heard. Perhaps the great hall of the Moscow Conservatory, which has witnessed so many great artists, was an added inspiration as a recording venue.” *****
Uwe Krusch – – 15 May 2021
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