Joseph Marx was an excellent pianist: the hugely demanding solo part of his Romantic Piano Concerto, a ‘symphonic duet’ between piano and orchestra, marks him as a true virtuoso who had also absorbed the heady impressionism of Debussy, Scriabin and Delius. While having no connection with film music, Marx left a multitude of intoxicating melodies that eclipsed the wildest of Hollywood’s dreams. His second piano concerto Castelli Romani was inspired by ancient ruins in the wooded hills outside Rome, and is a magical, pyrotechnic display of Mediterranean emotions and masterfully orchestrated atmospheric pictures. Franco-American pianist David Lively’s unique musical personality is drawn from his double culture, passionately attached to his two inheritances. Born in the United States, he went to France in 1969 at the age of 16 to study at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. His technical and musical prowess has brought success in a number of international competitions.
Robert Nemecek - Piano News magazine - November/December 2019
“… The most enjoyable CD I have had the pleasure of reviewing for some considerable time.”
Philip R Buttall – – 30 July 2019
"Hats off to Naxos for reissuing this splendid ASV album of David Lively/Steven Sloane playing Marx's Straussian/Respighian piano blockbusters." ****
Julian Haylock - BBC Music magazine -September 2019
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