“A Wedding Bouquet is a choral ballet… The music is Berners at his best, full of good tunes and expressive harmonies, colorfully orchestrated. He handles the various dances forms – waltz, tango-with compete ease. The March (1945) is a piano work, scored for band by Philip Lane. It would enhance any band program… The music [Luna Park] is again lively, tuneful, well scored and through entertaining… Performances are able, in both execution and style. The RTE singers are on pitch and expressive, with crisp ensemble … Kenneth Alwyn’s conducting is assured…”
Don O’Connor – American Record Guide – March/April 2022
“… These performances are very nicely done and the players play with enthusiasm. The choir sings well but their words were mostly not clear enough for me to follow and, sadly, the booklet, otherwise very informative, does not include them. The recording is good. These performances were first issued on the Marco Polo label in 1996 and this reissue on the much cheaper Naxos label is most welcome.”
Stephen Barber MusicWeb-International.com – 31 January 2022