Originally recorded in 2021
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“The words, with the exception of the Canticle of The Creatures, are settings of almost unknown poems by St Francis of Assisi. They cover a wide expressive and emotional range: from hope to despair, longing to acceptance, love to bitterness, delight in Creation to an impassioned plea for peace amongst mankind. The cantata is no pious word-setting of an ancient saint – rather it is a passionate and vibrant evocation of a man who remains a symbol of hope for millions of all faiths and none. Vison of a Garden - In 2020 I spent nearly five months in hospital with Covid-19, and was in an intensive care unit for more than half that time. In October, when I went back to the hospital for a check-up, I was given two booklets called ‘ICU Diaries’ which contained messages of support written by the nurses who looked after me in intensive care. I find it astonishing that these people whom I never knew could write such warm and personal messages. The text that the choir sings in ‘Vision of a Garden’ is taken from their words. I have plentiful memories from my time in intensive care, but they are almost all false ones: things which my mind invented to keep itself occupied while my body was otherwise engaged in fighting the virus… In the centre of the Addenbrooke’s Hospital complex in Cambridge there is a little garden, which is a lovely oasis of peace amid the hospital bustle. As I now know, I was taken to this garden from the ICU a couple of times in May, to get the benefit of the fresh air and sunshine. I wasn’t consciously aware of this, but my subconscious transplanted the garden to Cape Town and incorporated it into my ‘South African dream’… (Peter Johnstone)

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Highly Recommended
“…The disc opens with an excellent performance of the Mirror of Perfection, with Ikon and the Britten Sinfonia conducted by David Hill, and soprano Elizabeth Watts and the peerless baritone Roderick Williams. Such a fine rendition of this dramatic, deeply-moving and beautiful work, with luminous texts from Saint Francis of Assisi, makes this a real joy to listen to…”
“… Watts and Williams turn in their usual superb performances. Gadd is also excellent with enough vocal grit to sound like the grateful survivor of severe illness. The orchestral playing in both pieces is terrific. This is my first encounter with Blackford’s music, and I look forward eagerly to more.”
Editor’s Choice – Vocal section
“… A highly recommendable recording. Bravo!”
“… Under David Hill’s authoritative direction both works are immediate and engaging, with first-class soloists enhancing their impact. Both vocal ensembles give their best …” ****
“… David Hill, who was also involved in the creation process, conducts both works. Mirror of Perfection … is the smaller scored work. Elizabeth Watts and Roderick Williams sing the solo parts with both technical confidence and the appropriate timbre and expression to express the diverse emotional worlds. The Ikon Chamber Choir, made up of selected singers from the island, handles its part with equal sensitivity and expression. The larger cast Vision of a Garden ties in only one soloist, baritone Stephen Gadd. He makes the solos sound solid. The Bach Choir and, of course, the Philharmonia Orchestra bring the necessary experience and expertise to render this piece with the sensitivity required while maintaining the intensity of the content. Hill keeps everyone involved together here as well, allowing for an expressive interpretation that does not fail to make its impression on the listener.” *****
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