Divine Art presents two stunning organ symphonies by renowned composer James Cook, performed by the eminent British organist Kevin Bowyer. Making his debut on the Divine Art label, Bowyer brings to life Cook’s Symphony No. 8 (“Olympian”) and Symphony No. 9 (“Apollonian”), both crafted in 2006 and masterfully orchestrated in 2011. This remarkable recording took place on the majestic organ of Glasgow University Memorial Chapel in 2023. James Cook, a prolific composer born in 1963, studied composition at Oxford University and has since created a vast array of music, including operatic extracts, sacred choral works, and an impressive collection of organ compositions. This new release marks the ninth album of Cook’s music by Divine Art, showcasing his continuous evolution as a composer. Kevin Bowyer, celebrated for his unparalleled skill and daring performances, has captivated audiences worldwide. Born in Southend-on-Sea, Bowyer trained at the Royal Academy of Music and further honed his craft under the guidance of David Sanger. His illustrious career includes numerous accolades, such as the prestigious Medal of the Royal College of Organists and the “Lifetime Award” from the German Record Critics in 2023.