Frederick Paul Naftel’s new album showcases his eclectic compositional style through a diverse collection of works and 3 premiere recordings. Aphoristic Impressions, composed in 2023 for American pianist Haley Myles, captures the essence of various landscapes through five short piano pieces. Naftel’s String Quartet No. 2, composed during the initial Coronavirus pandemic, reflects the era’s tumultuous nature. The Folksong Suite for String Orchestra and Timpani draws on six English and Scottish folksongs, including John Peel, Early One Morning, Ca’ the Yowes, Loch Lomond, Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron, and Lincolnshire Poacher. Pascal’s Victim for Tuba Quartet, composed for the North West-based Tubalaté, features three movements based on the Gregorian Chant Victamae Paschali. Song of Songs: Rhapsody for String Orchestra and Harp is an ethnic-flavored rhapsody based on Hebraic chants and original material, featuring melodies like “Yigdal” and “Hatikvah.” This piece evokes imagery suited for films set in Biblical times or perhaps documentaries about the Middle East. Villancico for Guitar and Small Orchestra bridges the music of the Spanish Renaissance and Joaquin Rodrigo in a charming and lyrical Rondo form.