The term sinfonietta is generally used to describe a work that is smaller in scale or lighter in approach than a standard symphony. It only came into common usage during the first half of the 20th century, which is when the three works included on this disc were in fact composed. Worth noting is also that Sergei Prokofiev and Benjamin Britten wrote their respective sinfoniettas while they were still in their teens – early attempts at multi-movement works for ensemble. Prokofiev revised his Sinfonietta twice, with the 1929 version recorded here, and went on to become one of the great symphonists of his time. Britten chose a different path, with operas forming the most important part of his legacy. Perhaps symptomatically, his Sinfonietta – his Op. 1 – was initially composed for wind quintet and string quintet, a scoring which he later expanded into the version heard on the present recording. Like Britten, Francis Poulenc was not naturally inclined towards large-scale orchestral works, and his Sinfonietta is indeed his only symphonic piece. The most recent of the works on the disc, it is in a neo-classical vein with sparkling dance rhythms as well as lyrical moments. The three works are here performed by the Lahti Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dima Slobodeniouk, a team which has released several highly acclaimed albums on BIS.
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**** Excellent Album
Jérémie Cahen – Classica magazine (France) – February 2023
Orchestral Choice
Performance ***** Recording *****
“A compelling set of ‘little’ symphonies.”
Erik Levi – BBC Music magazine – January 2023
“… With its attractive programme, superb performances, and state-of-the-art sound this SACD is easy to like…”
Leslie Wright – – 22 November 2022
Nominee in the Symphonic category
2023 ICMA Nominee
Performance ***** Sonics (multichannel) *****
“… An unqualified recommendation is definitely warranted.”
Graham Williams – – 7 October 2022
"... The final piece is Britten’s 1932 Op. 1, conceived for ten players but played here in the rarely heard revision for chamber orchestra. Though brilliantly scored and structurally intriguing, it’s curiously unmemorable. This performance is technically impressive, Britten’s pithy “Tarantella” played fearlessly at breakneck speed, and it’s intriguing to hear fleeting glimpses of the mature composer. But I can’t imagine wanting to hear this slightly chilly piece again in the near future. Get this disc for the Poulenc and Prokofiev. BIS’s sound is exceptional, even by their standards, and the Mondrian sleeve art is appealing."
Graham Rickson – – 22 October 2022
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