"The recipe seems simple: take a simple melody of six notes and repeat it in the same order, accentuating a different note each time.<br />
For example:
123 4 2 5<
1 2 3 4 2 5
12 3 4 2 5
Here we have the beginning of the Sacre du Printemps (with a short transition between lines 2 and 3)! Next step: add a rhythmic pattern and repeat it many times. Prepare a few of these and combine them thoroughly until you get a polyrhythmic and polytonal mix! Finished. With his simple recipe, Stravinsky changed the world. Many plants grew from this seed: beat, rock, rap, minimal music…A pagan, sacrifice ritual with shocking music and shocking choreography: three exceptional talents - Roerich, Nijinsky and Stravinsky - brought about an artistic revolution with a masterstroke.100 years later it still sounds fresh, pagan, scary, new and beautiful." Iván Fischer