Originally recorded in 2019
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Venezuelan born male soprano Samuel Mariño (*1993) presents his debut album with baroque arias by Christoph Willibald Gluck and Georg Friedrich Händel.
Gluck and Händel met each other and played music together in London in 1746. For this release, the original program of that concert was expanded with arias tailor-made for male soprano.
“This album is unique in every respect. It includes first recordings of works that are sensationally beautiful and that have never been heard before. And then there is a voice, a male soprano, singing for the first time in 250 years things that no man before him was able to sing. I think that this voice is suitable and has the ability to make us hear and feel the beauty of this sound and the very special art of the 18th century.” Michael Hofstetter
“Gluck and Händel, these are my two masters. They are so important composers to me, and they have made a concert together in London. I’d say it is a wonderful idea to remake this program.” - Samuel Mariño

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Nominee in Baroque Vocal Category
“… an enjoyable and illuminating program which shows not only Mariño’s vocal artistry to its best advantage but highlights the abundant HIP credentials of the Handel Festival Orchestra Halle under Michael Hofstetter. First Handel, and four arias from Berenice, Regina di Egitto, all of which – including the exquisite Care selve – allow Mariño room for some astonishing feats of embellishment, not least in the vocal cadenzas. Sigismondo’s aria Quella fiamma from Arminio, which closes the Handel section, is a veritable tour-de-force for singer and obligato oboe… Two contrasting, major-key arias, from La Sofonisba and La Corona (both world premiere recordings), provide their own contrast to the spectacular minor-key finale, Oronte’s Care pupille from Il Tigrane. Here, as throughout, Mariño often eschews vocal colour as a means of expression, focussing more on variations in tempo, articulation and ornamentation. It’s a gamble that pays off every time.” ***½
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