What makes Olivier Messiaen’s œuvre so special is, to a great extent, his ability to coalesce various influences, inspirations, and convictions into a wholly individual and perfectly coherent musical language. This includes the development of the modal harmonies of earlier centuries as much as it does an engagement with rhythms from non-European traditions. The wealth of colors in his works stems, in part, from Messiaen’s synaesthetic ability to perceive chords as various shapes and colors. As an enthusiastic ornithologist, he spent much time in nature, notating birdsong and then working those, in stylized form, into his compositions. But most importantly, Messiaen’s work is governed by his profound faith. Messiaen once said of himself that he didn’t primarily see himself as a composer but as an “ornithologist and rhythmist”.
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“… Sarah Leonard is the expressive, confident soloist in Poèmes our Mi, especially the gorgeously sensual ‘le Collier’… the performance and recording are strong and clear. Messiaen lovers – and people who think they know about Michael Gielen s should give this a try.”
Jack Sullivan – American Record Guide – January/February 2023
Nominee in the Assorted Programmes category
2023 ICMA Nominee
“… Michael Gielen brings all the precision and vivacity for which he is well known to these performances. Les Offrandes Oubliées is beguiling and Debussyian… As for Chronochromie, this might well be the best performance I have ever heard. The precision is astonishing, especially in a live performance of this formidable work, and yet there is also all the power, energy and excitement which it requires… this programme is a rewarding one and Messiaen lovers should particularly seek it out for its outstanding Chronochromie…”
Stephen Barber – MusicWeb-International.com – 24 October 2022
“A fine traversal of Messiaen's output from 1930 to 1960 performed by musicians fully in tune with the music.”
Hubert Culot – MusicWeb-International.com – 11 August 2022
“This CD shows Michael Gielen as an outstanding Messiaen interpreter…” *****
Remy Franck – Pizzicato.lu – 2 July 2022
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