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Download Manager Browser Help



1) Once you have downloaded and installed the appropriate Chandos Downloader for your system (Windows or Mac or Linux)
     from this page: downloaderinstructions2

    Click on 'Change Download Directory' button to select your location for your saved music

    Close the Chandos Download Manager

2) Select the tracks you wish to download by clicking the check boxes at the end of each track line then click the button 'Selected via Download Manager' under the list of tracks. You will need to open the file (.chn) that you download with our download manager, this is done differently depending on which browser you are using:

  • Microsfoft Internet Explorer
    At the bottom of the screen a long panel will appear saying 'Do you want to open or save' then a long string of digits followed by '.chn'. Click on open and the Chandos Download Manager will appear with your files shown within. IF THE DOWNLOAD MANAGER DOES NOT APPEAR, IT HAS NOT BEEN INSTALLED. Once you have selected the place where you want the files to be stored, it will start downloading straight away.

  • FireFox
    In FireFox a panel will appear saying 'You have chosen to open:' then a long string of digits ending in '.chn'
    Underneath this it will say 'What should firefox do with this file?'
    You should select 'Open with: Chandos.chn(default)'
    Then click OK
    The Chandos Download Manager will appear with your files shown within. IF THE DOWNLOAD MANAGER DOES NOT APPEAR, IT HAS NOT BEEN INSTALLED.
    Once you have selected the place where you want the files to be stored, it will start downloading straight away.

  • Chrome
    At the bottom left of the screen a small panel will appear showing a long string of digits followed by '.chn'. Click on this and the Chandos Download Manager will appear with your files shown within. IF THE DOWNLOAD MANAGER DOES NOT APPEAR, IT HAS NOT BEEN INSTALLED.
    Once you have selected the place where you want the files to be stored, it will start downloading straight away.

The new download manager should automatically open with your tracks listed. After selecting the folder that you wish to download your tracks into, your tracks should start to download. An indicator on the right of each track will show you the progress of each download. When all of your tracks have finished downloading, you can find your tracks by clicking on the button marked 'Open' at the bottom of the downloader.


Using Download Manager with MacOSX & Safari

1. Download the Chandos Download Manager from downloaderinstructions2
2. When complete close the Chandos Download Manager that appears and click on the green 'Selected via Download Manager'. This will produce a .chn file in your downloads folder.
3. Click on this file and it will boot up the Chandos Download Manager** with your new files contained. It will automatically start to download.
4. The download directory can be changed by clicking on the Download Directory 'Change' button at the bottom of the panel.

**IF the Download manager does not automatically open with the chn file then please try one of the following:

  • Drag the downloaded 'chn' file onto the Chandos Download Manager icon in the Finder or the Dock.
  • Select the 'chn' file in the Finder, choose File > Open With, then choose the Chandos Download Manager app.
  • Control-click the 'chn' file, choose Open With, then choose the Chandos Download Manager app.

any of these options should then start the download manager with your order in it.

The Download manager will not work with iPads or iphones.

Downloading tracks to iPads and iPhones

Ipads and Iphones are designed to use there own software and structures. There is not a user filesystem.
Therefore the only way of getting music other than iTunes onto an iPad is to use third party software to store the files, such as iCloud or DropBox.
You can get a DropBox account for free.
It registers in the OS, and when you download files, you can transfer them from Safari and other apps into DropBox. From there you can playback.
When you select the track that you want from a website in Safari, click on a symbol that looks like a square box with an up facing arrow through it at the top of the browser. In here Select download to DropBox.
You will be asked to set up or select a folder to put the file in.
Once downloaded you can play from the DropBox account.
Unfortunately this will not play in the iPad's own music and video player.

Chandos Records reserves the right to make improvements to the Download Manager and the download pages at anytime without notice.

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Chandos Records
Chandos House
1 Commerce Park
Commerce Way
United Kingdom