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Nordic Voices
Formed in 1996, Nordic Voices is a classical six-voice a cappella vocal ensemble, whose members are graduates of either the Norwegian Academy of Music or the Opera Academy in Oslo. Together they share a broad background in opera, composition, church music and conducting. Performing a repertoire that ranges from mediaeval to contemporary works, they explore a wide spectrum of musical expression, from plainchant to specially commissioned new works. Their programmes revolve around themes, emphasising for example historical figures or textual links, which bring the music to life in sometimes unexpected ways. Not afraid to add a dash of humour to their concerts, they offer an unusual blend of sophisticated music-making and stylish performance. Their tours have brought them to concert venues all around the world, from South Africa to Taiwan and Japan where, in 2005, they represented Norway at the World Symposium on Choral Music in Kyoto. In recent years their international activity has focussed particularly on the USA, Canada and Europe. Nordic Voices has released three CDs, two of which, including Reges Terrae, released on Chandos in 2007, received nominations for the Norwegian recording industry’s Spellemann prize. In 2008 Nordic Voices received the Fartein Valen Prize for its contribution to Norwegian contemporary music.